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Cheat List While in game, hit enter to bring up the chat box, then enter one of the cheats below. They aren't case sensitive.
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Unlock all playable characters in VR Missions
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Unlockable Characters
Secrets |
USP Supressor and Marines in Boxers. After completing the Tanker once, play it again. The USP Supressor will now be in the Crow's Nest after fighting your first boss fight. Also, when you reach the last hold, all the Marines will be in their boxers, not just one. |
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Misc. Unlockables
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Unlock Free Ride Extreme mode
Glitches |
Quick Reload While reloading, perform a sideways roll. Your weapon will be reloaded instantly. |
Secrets |
All Free Ride Extreme cars When you start free ride extreme, go to the most north eastern point of Oakwood. Now place yourself so that you're looking down the street. Look at your right and you should see a telephone booth (on the sidewalk). There is a house with a blue door just right of the telephone booth. Go up to the door and the action icon will appear. Click the right mouse button (DEFAULT Right Mouse Button) and the icon will disappear. Nothing will say that you've unlocked all Free Ride Xtreme cars, but if you check the Free Ride car selection screen, the cars should be listed there. |
Completing the race mission with ease On the race mission, after you go through the first checkpoint turn left down what looks like a shortcut. Keep going until another checkpoint message appears, and then press NUM0. This will put you in front of the finish line in first place, just repeat this until you win. |
Yellow Pete's Gun Shop During Freeride, bring up the map. Yellow Pete's Gun Shop is located at the ''H'' in ''Hoboken''. Walk around the side of the building until you see an open door. Enter, and walk down the steps into a cellar with every gun in the game. |
Codes |
Cheat Codes Main Cheats: GUNSGUNSGUNS = Weapon Cheat IFIWEREARICHMAN = Money Cheat GESUNDHEIT = Health Cheat TURTOISE (or TORTOISE, in 1.1) = Armor Cheat Weather Cheats: SKINCANCERFORME = Nice Weather ILiKESCOTLAND = Fog Thickness Level 1 ILOVESCOTLAND = Fog Thickness Level 2 PEASOUP = Fog Thickness Level 3 Pedestrian Cheats: ITSALLGOINGMAAAD = Crazy Peds NOBODYLIKESME = Peds Want To Kill You WEAPONSFORALL = Peds Pack Heat (Carry Weapons) CHITTYCHITTYBB = Flying Cars Other Cheats: MOREPOLICEPLEASE = Wanted Level Up NOPOLICEPLEASE = Wanted Level Down GIVEUSATANK = Spawn A Tank ANICESETOFWHEELS = See-Thru Cars CORNERSLIKEMAD = Better Driving Code TIMEFLIESWHENYOU = Fast Gameplay ILIKEDRESSINGUP = Change Character BANGBANGBANG = Blow Up Cars Around You Unknown Cheats: NASTYLIMBCHEAT = Nastier Limb Removal? MADWEATHER = Time Speeds Up? BOOOOORING = Unknown (Time Slows Down?) |
Full Armor for Version 1.1 If you have the 1.1 update (came out 27/06/02), the full armor code, turtoise, has been changed to tortoise. |
Unlockables | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Flame-Thrower At Your Hideout Complete 20 fire mission on each island to get a flame thrower at each hideout. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Hidden Package Rewards Each of these weapons are unlocked at your hideout after getting a certain number of hidden packages.
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Police Bribes At Hideout Complete 10 vigilante missions on one island to get a police bribe at your hieout. Complete 20 vigilante missions on each island to get a total of 6 police bribes at each hideout. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Unlock The Borgine Taxi Complete at least 100 taxi missions to unlock a new, faster taxi. |
Glitches |
Almost infinite sprinting Instead of holding down the sprint button, tap it rapidly and you will be able to run alot further before getiting tired. |
FBI CAR Steal an FBI car and take it to paint and body. Get it fixed and when you hit the button to turn on the lights while moving, it will have hydros and jump over other cars. |
Get to Shoreside Vale once you have access to Staunton Island Before you start, make sure you have armor and your health is at 100. Drive to the subway down the street from your house save location and drive your car down the ramp and onto the subway tracks turn right and stay on the left side of the track so the subway doesn't hit you. Keep going until you see on the screen 'St. Francis Airport' drive up to the point where the tunnel has a curve park your car on the left side of the tracks, and get out and go to the right side and hug the wall as tight as you can and wait for the subway to come. Once it comes, let it hit you and you might have to move to the right a little once it hits you so that you go through the wall or sometimes you'll fall through the floor. You should see your character falling through this green or blue screen and then the loading screen should come up and say 'Welcome to Shoreside Vale'. You'll fall right outside or near the airport. Note: If you die you'll go back to Staunton Island. |
Get to Staunton Island at the very beginning of the game. If you want to go to Staunton Island, but don't want to have to complete the missions in portland, then first enter the code chittychittybb. Next, steal a police car and head onto the broken freeway. Go as fast as you can and when you reach the broken part your car will begin to hover. All you do now is just make sure you don't land in the water and then you're in Staunton Island without completing any missions. |
Unlimited time in Taxi Missions Start a Taxi Mission, pick up someone, and drop em' off. Now, go to pick someone else up, but make sure they don't get in your taxi until the time is at exactly 0 seconds left. The timer should disappear, but the passenger will not leave your vehicle. You can now continue doing taxi missions without the timer, until you quit the mission or blow up your cab. |
Secrets |
Ambulance Mission Rewards Complete 35 ambulance missions to get a heart at your hideout. Complete 70 ambulance missions to get an adrenaline pill at your hideout. Get onto Level 12 in an ambulance mission and you will get the infinite run cheat. |
Customize game music If you're sick of the regular in game radio stations, you can customize the game with your own MP3s. In the GTAIII folder, look for a folder called MP3. Place all the songs you want into this folder. The next time the game is started, scroll through the radio stations until you get to the last one. A new station should appear, which will play all your personal MP3 songs. |
Do Taxi Missions with a Different Car Drive up to a taxi in the car you intend to use. Get in the taxi, press and hold CAPS LOCK. Still holding CAPS LOCK, get out of the taxi and get in the car you started with. Let go of the CAPS LOCK key and now you can do taxi missions in that car. |
Easy Fire Truck Missions Steal a fire truck and begin the Firefighter mode. When you are assigned a new fire to put out, press F1 to start a replay, then F1 again to cancel it. The fire will be immediately extinguished. |
Easy Vigilante Missions When in a police car, enforcer, fbi car, or rhino, start the vigilante missions. Drive close to the target vehicle, and press ESC to call up the options menu. Choose 'Resume Game', and when the game resumes, your target will stop his/her vehicle and get out, making them much easier to kill. |
Editing car stats In the GTAIII-directory there should be a subdirectory called data. In this directory, you will find the file handling.cfg, and others, containing the stats for different cars and objects. Here you can change the weight of the car (column A, higher is better) and it's crash damage multiplier (column Y, lower is better, 0 means no crash damage), in order to make any car have the weight of a tank, and take no damage from crashes. The file itself gives good pointers towards which values should be changed, and you should backup any files you intend to edit. The limits mentioned in the file are just recommendations, you really can put in anything you want. When done, just restart the game, and you edited police car will push vehicles like a Fire Engine, and take absolutely no damage from crashing. |
Fit More Cars Into Your Garage In your second hideout put in two cars into the garage. Then get out and walk up to the door so it opens. Get into the third car and drive it in before the door closes. |
Free Repairs Take a damaged car to your garage. Exit the garage, watch the door close, and then open it up again. Your car will be repaired. |
moon cheat When the moon is visible at night you can shoot it with your sniper rifle to make it grow larger or shrink. |
No More Gang Warz In some missions the objective is to kill members of certain gang. These obviously makes the gang anrgy at you and when you drive or run by the gang members they will shoot and try to pull you out of your car. This can be changed by going in to the program files of your GTA game. In this folder is a sub-folder called data. In this folder is a file called pedstats.dat. Open this in Word or Notepad. In this document you can change the stats of every ped in the game. the ones you are looking for is gang 1-7. As the doc suggests if you change their fear(100 is good), temper(0 is good) and lawfullness(100 is good). Careful you might want to backup this file incase you mess up or want to revert back to the old way it was. |
Tip for Entering Codes Codes can still be entered while the game is paused (at the menu screen). Hit Esc to pause the game, then type the codes desired. The codes' effects will take place once you unpause. This trick does work for entering multiple codes at once, and is especially useful when you must enter codes quickly. |
Codes | ||||||||||||||||
Cheats Open up Swat4.ini and go down to the title "[Engine.GameEngine]". Change "EnableDevTools=False" to "EnableDevTools=True". Now, during the gameplay, just type the ~ button next to 1 key, and the command console will appear and type these in. You must enter every code at the beginning of every mission.
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Console commands Bring up the console ingame using the ` button. Use the ' button if you have a European keyboard.
Secrets |
Developer Tip #1 The optiwand is a critical tool. If you do not plan to carry a wand, it is a good idea to make sure more than one AI officer is carrying an optiwand in case one with the wand is incapacitated during a mission. |
Developer Tip #2 It is a good idea to optiwand around blind corners. Your AI officers can also be ordered to optiwand around most corners. |
Developer Tip #3 Increasing the difficulty will also increase the morale of suspects and civilians. |
Developer Tip #4 Civilians or suspects who are not compliant at first can be made to comply using non lethal weapons such as the less-lethal shotgun, taser, or grenades. An effective way to make suspects and civilians comply is to shoot them with a lethal weapon in a non-lethal area such as in the leg or the arm. However, you will achieve higher scores for not injuring civilians or suspects. |
Developer Tip #5 Any suspects caught behind a door that is being blown by C2 will be momentarily stunned. |
Developer Tip #6 Crouching, moving slowly, and firing in short bursts keeps the targeting reticule tight and will make your shots more accurate. |
Developer Tip #7 Officers ordered to stack up against a door will also automatically check the lock and report whether or not the door is open. |
Developer Tip #8 Grenades are best used before entering and clearing rooms. Make sure to select the best grenade for the situation. |
Developer Tip #9 Most primary and secondary weapons are equipped with a flashlight. Use these to illuminate dark areas that are difficult to see in. |
Unlimited Health Mod To help those just wanting to get through the career mode easily. Health Mod |
Virtually Unlimited Ammo for Weapons Open SWATEQUIPMENT.INI located in your SWAT 4 system folder (\Sierra\SWAT 4\System) with any text editor (notepad, wordpad) and find this string: MagazineSize=xxxx In any of these weapons: - Benelli M90 By editing/changing the value (number, xxxx) to a million or two you should have virtually unlimited ammo for your preferred weapon. For example, if you change: MagazineSize=5 In Benelli M90 Shotgun section with: MagazineSize=1000000 You'll have Benelli M90 Shotgun (if selected as an equipment) with 1000000 ammo. The team members will also have the same effect if they have Benelli M90 Shotgun as their primary weapon. There are some notice I want you should be care about: 1. Please don't get confused between RoundBasedWeapon and ClipBasedWeapon. Put the string "MagazineSize=1000000" in Heckler & Koch MP5 or M4 Carbine will give you no result since all machine guns, sub-machine guns and pistols (except for Taser Stun Gun) are "identified" as ClipBasedWeapon. I don't have any idea about changing the ammo value for these guns. 2. Watch the string "BadGuy" in every weapon section, usually in the middle of the document (SWATEQUIPMENT.INI) since putting the string "MagazineSize=1000000" in these sections will result the suspects get the same ammount of ammo just like yours. The common example are ; Benelli M90 compared with ; BadGuy Benelli M90. |
Brand New Fear mode:
Complete the game and save after the credits.
Start the game in Brand New Fear Mode. After you enter the forest for the first time look around for a cut tree trunk near Jasper's car.
Submachine gun:
Complete the game and get 9 big stars. Then start a new game in Brand New Fear Mode. The submachine gun is in the Apartment world in room 202.
Alternate Eileen costume:
Start a new game in Brand New Fear Mode. When you get to "Outside of Room 302" enter room 303 and you will find the costume. Then beat the game and start a new game on the same save for the nurse costume option.
One weapon mode:
Complete the game on hard and get 10 stars.
All weapons mode:
Complete one weapon mode.
Alternate Cynthia costume:
Unlock Eileen's costume and all four endings on one saved game. After that start a new game on the same save and pick the nurse costume for Eileen.
Fight as Ryuju Yamazaki and the Jins:
Complete and save the game. Exit, then restart the game. Select the "Load Save Data" option, followed by the "New Game" option. Highlight the following characters in order at the character selection screen and press Low Kick once on each fighter: Terry, Hon Fu, Mai, Geese, Bob, Sokaku Mochizuki, Andy, France, Joe Higashi, and Blue Mary. A message will appear to confirm correct code entry.
Small fighters:
Select Vs mode, then hold the Low Kick and High Punch buttons for both players while choosing fighters on the character selection screen.
Hidden song:
Insert the disc in a standard audio CD player and advance to track 41.
Alternate desktop icon:
Create a shortcut to the game on the Windows 95/98 desktop. Then, use the Settings/Control Panel/Display/Effects options to turn on "Large icons". The desktop icon for the game will turn into a new graphic.
Original Fallout screensaver:
Access the PipBoy and stay at that screen to eventually see the old Fallout screensaver on the PipBoy screen.
Programmers' comments:
Hold [Shift] and click on the "Credits" button to hear various comments from the development team.
Hint book:
After completing the game, go to New Reno. Find the man in the church and talk to him. He will say thanks for killing the Enclave and will give you a book called the "Fallout 2 Hint Book". Every time you read it, you will gain 10000 experience points. After the first time you read it, all of your skill will go up to 300%. You can read this book as many times as needed and it will never go away.
Hint: Unlimited money:
Go to the "Broken Hills". Walk to the right until you reach the screen where the miners are waiting for you to clear the mine. Walk into the mine and then run straight to the right. Do not t worry about the rocks that seem to block your path, they are there just to make you think it is the end of the road. If you walk close to them, you can see that you can walk past the rocks. There is a man in there who is not aware of the year. Wake him up, and when he has ran out of the mine, walk up to the footlocker and get the ore out of it. Walk out of the mine and back to the first screen. At the bottom of the screen just below the traders lies the "Broken Hills Ore Refinery". Walk into the refinery and talk to the head ghoul (he is in the office). Sell the ore to him, and then sleep for 25 hours. After waking up, talk to the ghoul again to get your ore back. He will ask if he can buy the ore because the city needs it and will offer you your $1000 plus an extra 500. Take the $500 extra and then talk to the ghoul again. If done correctly, he will make the offer again. Take the money and then talk to him again for another offer. Repeat this to get as much money as needed. Make sure never to give it to him for free or settle for the $1000. If you do, the offer will not appear again. Note: This trick may not work if the game has been patched.
In San Francisco, go to the Red 88 gun store and steal all of the owners money (usually a couple thousand). Go to the item store across the street and steal all of his money. Then leave the city for a couple days (or a week in pipboy time). Then, return and once again steal the money that they have. This trick can be done as many times as needed.
In San Francisco, the shopkeepers have money in their inventory that you cannot normally steal. To steal it, trade your money for an equal amount of theirs. Then, use the Steal skill on them. You now have more money.
Visit Joey, the thug who sells Jet in Den. Drop all your money on the ground beside him and try to buy Jet. He will tell you that if you do not have the money to come back when you do. Answer "Wait, I'll buy it" and then close out of the dialogue. Repeat this until you have all the Jet you want. Then, steal the money that you should have given him -- he will have $500 for every jet purchase. Then, pick up the money again that you dropped on the ground.
Note: This procedure involves changing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. This trick is best done when you have a lot money. Go to your hometown, and find a box, vase, or other container. Put all your money in it. Save your game and remember the number of slot number you saved it in. Resume the game, take the money out, and save again, this time in a different slot. Remember the number of this slot as well. Exit the game, and enter the game folder. Enter the "datasavegame" folder. Open the folder whose name corresponds to the first save slot, and find the file "arvillage.dat". Copy this file, and then go back to the "datasavegame" folder. Go to the folder whose name corresponds to the second save. Select "Edit" then "Paste", and then select "Yes" to copy over the original. Resume the game and load the first game save. Open the chest and you now have double the money. Take the money, save over your first slot, and try again. Go to the second save slot, open it, and copy out the "arvillage.dat" file. Paste it into the first save slot, and select "Yes". You can do this as many times as desired.
Hint: Unlimited experience:
Go to NCR and go right to the power plant and talk to the girl. She will ask you to talk a man out of blowing up the power plant. However, when you talk to him allow him blow it up. The girl will want you to fix the reactor. Do it and she will give you some manuals. You can keep repairing the reactor and keep getting science and first aid books from her. Every time you fix the reactor, you will get 3000 experience points.
The following trick works well if you have a high Steal skill. When you steal something, you get 10 experience points. When you steal two things, you get 30, and 60 for 3 things, etc. Basically, steal experience increases exponentially per item. Plant some money on someone, and then steal it all back, one coin at a time. Assuming you do not get caught, you can easily rake in experience points.
After the game is completed and you have at least 130% in Science, go to the vault in Vault City. Go to the computer on the first level in front of the doctors' "office". Use the Science skill on it and the game should give you the option of scanning the medical files or something similar. Scan the files, then do it again. It should give you some information on the medical research done in Vault City. Scan the files a few more times and it will give you information on armor implants. Keep scanning the files and the computer will get "upset" and say things such as "There is nothing left" and "Why are you doing this?." After a few more times it should say "Fine! The big secret is on the main computer on the third level!". Go to it and reformat you Pip Boy (follow the directions the computer gives you). Then, go to your Pip Boy and read the message that the design crew leaves you. It should instruct you to go to the computer on the upper left of level three. Access the computer to get 20,000 experience points. Keep accessing the computer to get that amount each time.
Hint: Unlimited money and experience:
Note: A high Steal attribute and being dark helps with this trick. After you have found Vault 15 and have gotten rid of Dorian and his people in the vault, check his computer and make a holodisk of a spy at the NCR. So, go to the NCR and go to the presidents office. Once there, talk to the ordinary looking man in the outside office and tell him the spy information. He will say something and walk off. Proceed to the main room and talk to the man in the tuxedo. Tell him about the spy named F, then show him the holodisk. He will then give you $4000 and you will get 4000 experience points. Now here is the trick and it helps to have a high steal. Get to the side of him and steal the holodisk back. Then, tell him about the spy and show him the disk again. You will receive the money and experience again. Repeat this process until reaching the desired level. Note: Save often between attempts.
Hint: Defeating Frank Horrigan:
Use a gauss pistol or rifle and target his weapon arm. After you cripple it, he will not be able to shoot you with his dual plasma gun. He will then melee you, can only do about 10 damage per hit. Hit him in the groin to bring him down so you can do more damage by hitting him in the eyes.
Kill the president and take the presidential pass. Once you have done everything else and you are at the end Boss, talk the squad into joining your team. This may or may not work depending on how many people you already have and your charisma. Use the Sneak skill and hug the wall along the bottom of the screen and make your way left until you get to the computer. One of the options is to make the guns shoot at your enemies. Walk up to him and start to fight. Each drone gun will shoot at him, plus the squad you convinced.
Hint: Easy skill points and levels:
Gain a level and wait for the screen with the perks to appear. Highlight the perk and click "Done" on the perk screen. However, click "Cancel" on the main screen. Click back to the character screen and the perk screen will appear again. Repeat these step to gain unlimited levels and 99 skill points.
Hint: Stimpacks and antidote:
Give Mayron as many ingredients for the stimpacks and antidote as needed, and he will create them.
Hint: More starting items:
Go to the starting temple with an established character. Place any item you want to start with in the pots and chests. Start a new game, go inside the temple, and save the game in any slot except for the one you moved the items from. Exit the game. Go to the directory in which you saved the game (slot01, 02, and so on). Move the Artemple.sav to the slot you saved the new game to and move the pre-existing game somewhere else. Reload the game and start the new game. Go to the pots where you placed the items and they should be there again.
You can also get the power armor very early in the game by going directly south along the coast to San Francisco. You may have to save often, as enemies are too advanced to take on at this time.
Hint: Extra items:
Go to either shop in San Francisco. Buy whatever you want, but pay for it in cash. Then, walk up behind the shop owner. You can steal your money back, plus his own.
When you get to the Den, kill Tubby and Flick and take all their items. You should get a lot of Jet, Mentats, and other drugs as well as a lot of guns.
When you get to the Den or anywhere else that has a graveyard, get a shovel and dig up the graves for rocks, beer, and ammunition. The only downside is that your karma will say "Grave Digger" and it may go down.
Hint: Getting more items in Den:
Start a new game with a female character named Buffy. Get past the Temple Of Trials and go to Den. Talk to Rebecca. She will say that she recognizes you and give some items.
Hint: Get in the Vault in Vault City:
The guards will not let you into the Vault unless you are a citizen. If you do not want to take the time to get the citizenship papers, go into combat mode then just walk in. This will not cause your karma to lower.
Hint: Robe:
When you are traveling across the world map you sometimes come across a small green circle that has only a bridge and a person blocking your path. If you kill him instead of answering his questions, you can get 7500 experience points and his robes which is good armor until you get the powered. If you answer his questions wrong, he hits you for over 2000 damage.
Hint: Skinning geckos:
To learn how to skin geckos, save Smilely the trapper in the toxic caves. Then, go to Klamoth and talk to Smilely at Buckners.
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Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos Codes Press Enter and type in these cheats, then press Enter again for it to work. Cheat enabled will appear if entered correctly.
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Cheat codes Hit the ENTER key and key in the code
Secrets |
Easy Leveling in Single Player Open the sp_yourcityname_homecity.xml file in the My Documents\My Games\Age of Empires 3\Savegame (dont forget to make a back up first) folder, search for <level>. You will see something like this <level>xx</level>, put in 99 for the xx, save the file, go into the game and play a skirmish. Now you are level 99 ! |
Increase your card/deck unlock points in Single Player! Go to My Documents\My Games\Age of Empires 3\Savegame open the sp_yourcityname_homecity.xml (make sure you back up this file) and find the line <numpropunlocksearned>. The line should look something like this <numpropunlocksearned>xx</numpropunlocksearned>, where xx is the current number of card unlock ponts you have. Change xx to a high number such as 999, save the file, start Age of Empires 3 and go into a skirmish. Go to where you manage your decks and now you will have 999 unlock points to get more cards for your deck. |
Invincible units Go to the folder containing all of the AOE 3 stuff. Open the folder called data. Right click proto.xml and go to open with and choose notepad. Press CTRL and F. Type in the name of the unit you want to find, e.g.: Explorer. Scroll down until you see all kinds of things starting with <Flag>. Anywhere in that area, make a new column and press CTRL and TAB twice. Type: <Flag>Invulnerable</Flag> and on another line type: <Flag>DoNotDieAtZeroHitpoints</Flag> Save the file then open AOE 3. Send your explorer into battle. HE WILL NEVER DIE! Note: This secret affects enemy units as well as your own. |
Unlimited Resources Use a text editor to edit the "proto.xml" file in the "data" directory in the game folder. Note: You may first need to uncheck the "Read Only" attribute of that file's properties in Windows Explorer. Search for the text "CrateOf". You will find CrateofFood, CrateofCoin, CrateofWood, CrateofFoodLarge, CrafteofCoinLarge, and CrateofWoodLarge. For all these entries, find the tag "InitialResourceCount" and change the count to whatever desired. For example, the normal crates each have "100.000" of the resources. You can change the "100" to "99999.000", etc. |
Unlimited Unlock Points in Single player Open the sp_yourcityname_homecity.xml file located in \My Documents\My Games\Age of Empires 3\Savegame (dont forget to make a backup of this file) find this line <skillpoints>. The line should look like this <skillpoints>xx</skillpoints>, where x is the number of skillpoints you currently have. Change the xx to a high number such as 999, save the file and start Age of Empires 3. Go into a skirmish game, go to manage your city and you will now have 999 unlock points to unlock various things for your city. |