sábado, 14 de novembro de 2009

Warcraft III: Battlechest Download gratis + dicas e truques

Warcraft III: Battlechest

Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos Codes
Press Enter and type in these cheats, then press Enter again for it to work. Cheat enabled will appear if entered correctly.
riseandshineAutomatic Daylight
lightsoutAutomatic Night
synergyDisable the Tech Tree
WhoIsJohnGaltEnable Research
keysersoze #Enter any number for "#" that you want in gold
leafittome #Enter any number for "#" that you want in wood
greedisgoodGives 500 gold and lumber (Adding more to the end will give you more)
whosyourdaddyGod Mode
somebodysetupusthebombInstant Loss
allyourbasearebelongtousInstant Victory
motherland (race) (level)Level Select (Enter race, level without parenthesis) ex: (motherland orc 03)
abrakadabraMakes trees disappear
TheDudeAbidesNo wait time between spell casting
=Re-enters the last code you typed.
PointBreakRemoves Food Limit
DaylightSavings [hour]Reset the time to the hour specificed (without a number, this toggle the day/night cycle on/off)
IseedeadpeopleReveal Map
lamisilatTwenty Footmen
thereisnospoonUnlimited Mana for Troops
sharpandshinyUpgrade everything one level
warptenVery Fast Build
StrengthandHonorYou Cannot Lose
itvexesmeYou Cannot Win
iocainepowderYou Will Die Fast

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